One Christmas Eve
One Christmas Eve
Hard Cover
One Christmas Eve, something magical happened ...
One Christmas Eve, Grandpa puts on his best shirt, Bella passes him his favourite hat, and together they walk to Luna Park. Bella is given one silver coin to spend on whatever ride she chooses. When she climbs onto a dashing carousel horse, something magical happens – they launch into the night sky!
There they encounter a jolly man in a red suit and his prancing reindeer. But the magic doesn't end there ... One Christmas Eve is a heartwarming story celebrating family, sharing and caring for each other.
- Corinne Fenton is a writer with a passion for picture books that warm the heart. This is a lovely story about the relationship between a grandparent and a child.
- This story is set in Christmas 1968, and illustrator Marjorie Crosby-Fairall has carefully and exquisitely captured this special time with beautiful historically accurate illustrations.
About the Author
Corinne Fenton is the author of over 25 books for children but her passion is picture books about social history. Her classic picture book Queenie: One Elephant’s Story, illustrated by Peter Gouldthorpe, was an Honour Book in the 2007 Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Awards. The Dog on the Tuckerbox, also illustrated by Gouldthorpe, was named a Notable Book in two categories of the 2009 CBCA Awards. One Christmas Eveis her latest work with Black Dog Books.
About the Illustrator
Marjorie Crosby-Fairall was born in America and currently lives in Sydney, Australia. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration from Northern Illinois University. In 1997 she won the CBCA Eve Pownall Award for Information Books and has since been short-listed for other awards. She currently works as a freelance illustrator for educational publishers, general editorial book publishers and magazines. Marjorie loves to experiment with new techniques for her illustrations, but always seems to return to her beloved and well-used colour pencils. One Christmas Eve is her latest book.
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